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An example of the Newspaper clipping I was given as a starting point.

An example of the Newspaper clipping I was given as a starting point.

After being given a snippet from a Newspaper, I had to perform appropriate research in order to find and highlight a subject that had the potential to become a possible subject for our Extended Major Project. The snippet I was given, made reference to the increase in food shopping activity of Wholesale stores such as Poundland. A result of the recent financial downturn, that has seen more UK families shopping on line for cheaper food and drink that is close to its sell by date.


Investigation into a 'throw away society.' Possible subject for Extended Major Project.

I was given part of an article from a daily newspaper about the increase of food shopping being seen in Wholesale food and drink stores as a result of the recent financial downturn. After initial research, it was soon discovered that the Government estimates that the average UK household will bin £420 worth of perfectly edible food in 2009. Based on this quote, I therefor had the idea of designing a service or system that would help educate the UK family about the shelf life of the food and drink in their kitchen, and subsequently, help to save them money.

I see this as a potential subject for my Extended Major Project as it is relevant to today’s society and is a definate issue that has yet to be paid much attention to in terms of design.

May 2024